Start your day is vitally important to be able to face all the challenges of their professional engagement, study, sport or play with the best result.
That means making adequate breakfast, which allows a recovery of the body energy after the "break" Night and, therefore, a sufficient charge for the day.
During sleep the body's metabolism in fact reduces, but does not vanish. Although the muscle fibers are relaxed, and we do not make significant movements, the heart continues its work by pumping the blood (although at slower pace compared to the periods of activity) and a minimal amount of energy is used to maintain muscle tone around the body. The brain does not "turn off", but continues to be active as its activity dream (the dream).
In this sense, the breakfast is a key element. And it is very harmful "toss" or reduce it to a cup of coffee. This meal, in fact, is considered by nutritionists the most important of the day, can provide the right energy to meet the physical and mental health of the whole day.
What, then, are the characteristics to be complied with breakfast?
Although one can not speak of ideal breakfast, a "recipe" optimal projected to cover about 30% of daily calorie needs, providing all the essential nutrients, fluids and to help maintain the correct levels of blood sugar.
A quality breakfast "Italian" rich in complex carbohydrates slow release (bread, cereals, cookies) is preferable to the "continental" (the classic English breakfast with eggs and bacon) dotted with animal fats.
Very well, then, cornflakes with milk, yogurt, toast with jam and biscuits. To these must be added then a vitamin intake through fruit juices or better, fresh fruit. If desired and possible, you may want to sweeten milk and fruit with honey rather than refined sugar: this allows a more gradual release of energy and more durable.
And the beloved cup of coffee? Which it is also very useful because in addition to stimulating the gastric juices and promote digestion, through caffeine is capable of providing the burst of energy needed to increase the concentration. Important, however, not to abuse especially for those suffering from gastritis. By limiting, however, the cappuccino with brioche, which brings a high content of calories in the form of fat.
That means making adequate breakfast, which allows a recovery of the body energy after the "break" Night and, therefore, a sufficient charge for the day.
During sleep the body's metabolism in fact reduces, but does not vanish. Although the muscle fibers are relaxed, and we do not make significant movements, the heart continues its work by pumping the blood (although at slower pace compared to the periods of activity) and a minimal amount of energy is used to maintain muscle tone around the body. The brain does not "turn off", but continues to be active as its activity dream (the dream).
In this sense, the breakfast is a key element. And it is very harmful "toss" or reduce it to a cup of coffee. This meal, in fact, is considered by nutritionists the most important of the day, can provide the right energy to meet the physical and mental health of the whole day.
What, then, are the characteristics to be complied with breakfast?
Although one can not speak of ideal breakfast, a "recipe" optimal projected to cover about 30% of daily calorie needs, providing all the essential nutrients, fluids and to help maintain the correct levels of blood sugar.
A quality breakfast "Italian" rich in complex carbohydrates slow release (bread, cereals, cookies) is preferable to the "continental" (the classic English breakfast with eggs and bacon) dotted with animal fats.
Very well, then, cornflakes with milk, yogurt, toast with jam and biscuits. To these must be added then a vitamin intake through fruit juices or better, fresh fruit. If desired and possible, you may want to sweeten milk and fruit with honey rather than refined sugar: this allows a more gradual release of energy and more durable.
And the beloved cup of coffee? Which it is also very useful because in addition to stimulating the gastric juices and promote digestion, through caffeine is capable of providing the burst of energy needed to increase the concentration. Important, however, not to abuse especially for those suffering from gastritis. By limiting, however, the cappuccino with brioche, which brings a high content of calories in the form of fat.